Issue 40

Spaghettification Ali Raz Spaghettification is a scientific word. It refers to the vertical stretching and [...]

The Borders of Sleep John Robinson I have come to the borders of sleep The unfathomable deep Forest where all [...]

Fiddler’s Green Dennis McFadden Richie phoned on Saturday night, needing money, needing food, needing his [...]

Blood Covenant Alice Hatcher The morning she first saw the boy, the wind was blowing from the east, driving [...]

The Story of “The Story of the Two Sisters” Daniel David Froid That the little girl answered the door [...]

Walking + The Ladder Nathan Dragon Walking I walk a lot. I like walking. [...]

The River Roux Tom Cowen The jasmine rice sits like a baseball split down the middle, a tangle of cork and [...]

R. damascene Irene Cox There were botanists who claimed that Rosa damascena was among the most important [...]

Brock Clarke Charlotte Charlotte asked her mother for money. To buy chips. Or gum. Maybe a hat. Most definitely [...]

Love, (Un)translated A. Molotkov An incident becomes a narrative becomes a drama, and grows a happy ending. [...]

Fountain Greg Mulcahy Driscoe told the long story, which Driscoe claimed originated with Cooboo, of two [...]

Horse Latitudes Jamie Black 0-302 ft. Daddy named me Honus, but everyone’s always only called me what he [...]

The Pith Jessica Alexander Thomas Wieland was dead, maybe dying. [...]