
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Kadetsky, Elizabeth
The Memory Pavilion (nonfiction): PR22, 29

Kadish, Rachel
Lawrence Weschler’s Vermeer in Bosnia (recommendation): PR12, 65

Kalfus, Ken
Confessions of Zeno, by Italo Svevo (recommendation): PR2, 168

Kalotay, Daphne
Women in Their Beds: New and Selected Stories, by Gina Berriault, and the Tea Ceremony: The Uncollected Writings of Gina Berriault (recommendation): PR11, 31

Kalscheur, Josh
New Dark Ages, by Donald Revell (recommendation): PR31, 101

Kaluza, Kobun
Excerpt from Inert Dementia (theatre): PR14, 193

Kamentsky, Gina
Saga #2 (art): PR28, cover

Kaminski, Megan
The Politics of Play (nonfiction): PR20, 139

Kaminsky, Ilya and Farris, Katie (trans.)
The First Aerial Bombardment, by Serhiy Zhadan (poetry): PR38, 163

Kane, Cindy
Hovering (art): PR30, 50

Kane, Jessica Francis
Night Class (fiction): PR24, 44

Kang, Christopher
Durée (fiction): PR39, 71

Kantar, Annie
For You, A Poem (poetry): PR2, 89
I See My Grandmother Again (poetry): PR2, 90

Karapetkova, Holly
Death and the Four-Year-Old (poetry): PR25, 199
Last Meeting (poetry): PR25, 200
Christmas (poetry): PR25, 201

Karlin, Katherine
The Learning Tree, by Gordon Parks (recommendation): PR28, 152

Kashani, Mehdi M.
The Architect, a play in one act (theatre): PR39, 134

Kasischke, Laura
For the Young Woman I Saw Hit By a Car While Riding Her Bike (poetry): PR26, 86
Atmosphere (poetry): PR26, 89

Kearney, Meg
Penguins (poetry): PR26, 97

Kearney, Simone
A Kind of Ductility (poetry): PR20, 75
Morning (poetry): PR20, 76

Keast, Rob
35.4 Sentences About the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore (nonfiction): PR19, 107

Keck, Sean
The Accidental Stage (poetry): PR23, 89

Keener, Jessica
Moving Waters, Stories by Racelle Rosett (recommendation): PR26, 261

Keisner, Jody
Body Language (nonfiction): PR34, 26

Kelly, Devin
Greyhounds (fiction): PR29, 13

Kemp, Sam
Five Ways to Read a Village (poetry): PR36, 95

Kennedy, Christopher
At Brooklyn Pickle (poetry): PR35, 113
My Strategy (poetry): PR35, 114

Kennedy, Sarah
Color Palette Blue #3 (nonfiction): PR31, 27

Kennedy, X.J.
The Fiction of J.F. Powers (recommendation): PR10, 123

Keren, Ran
Hearing the Text (criticism): PR35, 57

Keyser, Ashley
Ilya (poetry): PR36, 94

Khan, J S
Mine Dont Never (fiction): PR28, 135

The Weather Skwirl™: Weather Eyes (art): PR30, 57

Kilpatrick, Connor
The Late Greats (fiction): PR17, 89

Kim, Eson
Touch (nonfiction): PR21, 57

Kimball, Michael
Excerpts from the Suicide Letters of Jonathan Bender (B. 1967, D. 2000) (fiction): PR12, 155
The Possibilities of Fiction (recommendation): PR21, 164
Big Ray, or Some Things Concerning My Childhood, with an Emphasis on My Father (fiction): PR23, 177

Kimura, Takahiro
Destruction and Construction of the Human Face (art): PR5, 194

King, Dave
In A Strange Room, by Damon Galgut (recommendation): PR23, 144

Kinstler, Dana
Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber (recommendation): PR17, 113

Kippola, Gordon
A Habit from Tikrit + Fleeing Never-Pleasure Island (poetry): PR38, 227

Klass, Perri
Birds of America, by Mary McCarthy (recommendation): PR12, 203

Klein, Michael
Provincetown, 1990 (poetry): PR19, 55
What I’m Going To Do Is (poetry): PR19, 56

Klemin, Jeremy Alves da Silva
Dalinian Triangle (nonfiction): PR38, 197

Klíma, Ivan
Irena Obermannova (recommendation): PR2, 169

Klink, Joanna
Shooting Star (poetry): PR2, 100
River in Dusk (poetry): PR2, 101

Knapp, Elizabeth
Indelible (poetry): PR11, 13
Uninvited Guest (poetry): PR11, 15

Knight, Karla
Blind View (art): PR26, 34
Simple Sponge (art): PR26, 40

Knight, Lania
Lift Off (nonfiction): PR31, 103

Knight, Michael
Teaching J.D. Salinger (recommendation): PR17, 149

Koch, Peter Joseph
Public Space (fiction): PR34, 81

Kolin, Philip C.
Humani Generis (poetry): PR29, 92

Koniecki, Reverie
Middle Passages (nonfiction): PR38, 211

Konsterlie, Peter
Deep Vision (art): PR26, 45
Indelible Noise (art): PR26, 48

Koven, Suzanne
An Inherited Condition (nonfiction): PR25, 59

Kozma, Andrew
Invader (poetry): PR14, 103
What Is (poetry): PR14, 104

Kreines, Amy
Warnings (etcetera): PR8, 165

Krejci-Papa, Marianna
Sonnet (poetry): PR29, 100

Krimko, Stuart
The Setting Evening (poetry): PR20, 80
Self Portraits (poetry): PR20, 82

Krisak, Len
Winter Exercises (poetry): PR23, 76

Kronovet, Jennifer
A History of Kansas (poetry): PR3, 37
Scenic Overlook (poetry): PR3, 38

Kuo, Alex
The Lunch (fiction): PR15, 85

Kuzmanovich, Zoran, et al.
Lolita A-Z (etcetera): PR7, 151

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