
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Lackey, Emily
The Day Diana Died (fiction): PR36, 153

LaFarge, Paul
Years Are Bearing Us To Heaven: Donald Barthelme’s The Slightly Irregular Fire Engine, Or The Hithering Thithering Djinn (recommendation): PR24, 129

Lahsaiezadeh, Caitlin
Chiron, On Achilles (poetry): PR26, 104
First Tattoo (poetry): PR26, 105

Lahti, Harris
The Painted Lady (fiction): PR35, 161

Lampman, DB
I Am an Exponent of Myself (White Sands National Monument, New Mexico) (art): PR29, 44

Lang, Andrew
Excerpt: From Adventures in Books (etcetera): PR14, 127

Lanigan, Kerry
Da Capo (fiction): PR25, 15

Lantz, Susan (trans.)
Four Short Poems, By J. V. Foix (etcetera): PR9, 205

Lardner, Ted
Agate (nonfiction): PR39, 143

Larsen, Annabelle
Urban Guerrillas (nonfiction): PR26, 211

LaSalle, Peter
E.A.P. (etcetera): PR9, 183

Lassell, Daniel
At the Neighborhood Cookout (poetry): PR34, 135

Lauenstein, Maria
Body and Soul (nonfiction): PR10, 173

Laughlin, Scott
The Strange Question of Alberto de Lacerda (recommendation): PR25, 161

Lavender-Smith, Evan
Bennett’s Cheap Catharsis (fiction): PR15, 109

Laverty, Rory
My Life of Crime (nonfiction): PR9, 89

Lawry, Vivian
The Eater (fiction): PR25, 101

Le, Jenna
Salisbury (poetry): PR19, 185
The Harvard Square Street Musicians (poetry): PR19, 186

Leahy, Anna
Google Moon (poetry): PR23, 69

Leavitt, Caroline
One Good Book Leads to Another (recommendation): PR21, 137

Leavitt, David
A Far Cry from Kensington, by Muriel Spark (recommendation): PR16, 265

LeCraw, H. H.
August (fiction): PR8, 53

LeCraw, Holly
Naked with Innocence (recommendation): PR23, 104

Lee, Don
Mystery Ride, by Robert Boswell (recommendation): PR10, 81

Lee, Marie Myung-Ok
Jennifer Egan is Better than Jonathan Franzen (recommendation): PR22, 9

Leeman, Stacy
Book of Esther C5 (art): PR31, 43

Lehman, David
Aaron Fogel (recommendation): PR2, 172

Leibowitz, Bonny
Teater (art): PR31, 35

Lemieux, Brenna W.
Older Sister (poetry): PR24, 143
Earl Grey (poetry): PR24, 144

Lemmon, Amy
Curator (poetry): PR33, 118

Lemon, Alex
Below the Nearer Sky (poetry): PR10, 157
Silt (poetry): PR10, 158
The Nice (poetry): PR18, 11
Ghost in the Latrine (poetry): PR18, 13

Lennon, Brian
Some Stories Are Parables, But (fiction): PR8, 51

Leone, Marianne
Ma Picks a Priest (nonfiction): PR28, 59
Mario Puzo’s The Fortunate Pilgrim (recommendation): PR30, 65
You and Me Could Really Exist (fiction): PR36, 11

Lerner, Ben
From the Lichtenberg Figures (poetry): PR3, 39

LeRoy J.T.
The Stories of Breece D’J Pancake, by Breece D’J Pancake (recommendation): PR10, 211

Lethem, Jonathan*
Interview (etcetera): PR5, 153

Levinson, David Samuel
People Are Just Dying to Meet You (fiction): PR26, 197
Die Leiden Des Jungen Werthers (The Sorrows of Young Werther), by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (recommendation): PR28, 223

Lewis, Jim
Easy (recommendation): PR23, 67

Lewis, Joe
The Elusive Eagle: Charles McGill and the Anti-Trope (art): PR32, 11

Lewis, Sinclair
Lecture: The American Fear of Literature (etcetera): PR15, 119

Lichtendorf, Judith
Death of a Daughter-in-Law (fiction): PR38, 101

Lichtenstein, Alice
Dear Friends (fiction): PR18, 155

Lifson, Hannah
Tiny Monuments: A Look at Snapshot Photography (criticism): PR16, 83

Ligon, Samuel
Animal Hater (fiction): PR6, 83

Lima, José Lezama*
Rhapsody for the Mule, trans. G.J. Racz (etcetera): PR4, 127

Lindquist, Mark
Mother Night, by Kurt Vonnegut (recommendation): PR10, 171

Lipke, Meg
Surplus (art): PR31, 38

Lisicky, Paul
Beach Town (fiction): PR25, 149
Liberty (fiction): PR25, 151

Liu, Elliott
The End of History (poetry): PR14, 109
The Rise of the Middle Class (poetry): PR14, 111

Livesey, Margot
Blood, by Patricia Traxler (recommendation): PR4, 110

Livingston, Reb
Interview with April Bernard (etcetera): PR7, 169

Lobko, William Michael
Self-Portrait in My Brother’s Bullet (poetry): PR18, 223
Chipotle (poetry): PR18, 224

Lock, Norman
Beyond Recognition: A Monologue in 12 Sections (theatre): PR5, 49

Loli, Eugenia
High Priestess (art): PR29, cover

Lombardi, D. Dominick
The Graffoo (art): PR19, 33
Urchin #7 (art): PR26, 43
Urchin #6 (art): PR26, 46
Call of Nature (art): PR30, 49

Lombardi, Joyce
Yamba (nonfiction): PR1, 111

Long, Priscilla
O is for Old (nonfiction): PR24, 84

lonsinger, dawn
The Ice Fields (poetry): PR18, 99
Against Plugging Away (poetry): PR18, 101

Loory, Ben
It Is Illegal to Enter the Graveyard (fiction): PR35, 11

Lopate, Phillip*
A Conversation (etcetera): PR15, 21

Lopes, Frankie
Room for My Knees (nonfiction): PR26, 141

Lopez, Robert
Scar (fiction): PR5, 82

Lorberer, Eric
Sonnet (poetry): PR4, 33
Our Will (poetry): PR4, 34

Lowe, Jaime
Racing Thoughts (nonfiction): PR37, 172

Lowenthal, Michael
Antarctica, by Claire Keegan (recommendation): PR7, 138
Marge (fiction): PR14, 167
Brazilian Adventure, by Peter Fleming (recommendation): PR25, 49

Luborsky, Alexa
Mezuzah + A bull = A word = Grief (poetry): PR40, 206

Lucenko, Kristina
Jane Bowles (recommendation): PR1, 176

Luken, Christopher
The Dead End (fiction): PR37, 81

Lum, Mary
Untitled, mixed media collage (cover art): PR41

Luna, Cari
I Love Dick by Chris Kraus (recommendation): PR28, 95

Lundgren, Eric
Actaeon at the Movies (fiction): PR39, 79

Lurie, John
Famous Errors in Hieroglyphics (art): PR34, cover

Lutz, Gary
Eminence (fiction): PR1, 25

Lutz, Kevin
Down in the Valley (nonfiction): PR13, 145

Lvovich, Natasha
Balakovo (nonfiction): PR18, 103

Lynch, Allesandra
Untitled (poetry): PR17, 65

Lynn, Allison
Digressions on Some Poems by Frank O’Hara, by Joe Lesueur (recommendation): PR16, 81

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